Here are the answers to questions asked this previous Sunday (February 21st, 2010). If you have any followup questions, please comment with the Question # and it will be forwarded to the person who answered the question.
#1 What is meant when the statement “four corners of the earth” is given in the Bible? (Isa 11:12; Rev 7:1; 20:8)
The statement “four corners of the earth” refers to the four directions. It does not give any implication that the world is flat. In these three passages it is referring to covering all four directions. In each case it is speaking of gathering from all over the earth – in every direction.
#2 Can you tell us how Creationists refute evolutionist view of the fossil record and dating methods of evolutionists with the Genesis account of 6 days to create everything? Also can you recommend resources, video's, audio &/or books for further study on this subject.
Often the fossil record has been something that Creationists fear. However that does not need to be the case. I do not believe that we have a problem with the fossil record as Creationists. Here are a few of the reasons for that belief.
1. Dating methods (such as carbon 14 dating) have been shown to be problematic and should not be seen as conclusive means of dating.
2. One of the foundational assumptions of dating methods is uniformitarianism. This assumes that things progress uniformly. Catastrophes upset this assumption. An example of this would be Mt. St. Helens in 1980. If someone would examine the fossil records without being aware of the volcano would think that the sediment and fossils found would have occurred over a period of possibly hundreds of thousands of years when it actually took only a matter of minutes. The catastrophe of the flood greatly affected the appearance of the fossil record.
3. As new discoveries are being made, there are results which point to the accuracy of Genesis. Examples such as the footprints of dinosaurs and humans found together in a river in Texas are agreeing with Genesis and disagreeing with evolution.
4. When God created, it can be accepted that He created everything with an appearance of age. His creation was a “full grown” universe.
5. One of the things that has not been found in the new discoveries has been any missing link. Darwin, and those who followed him, expected that there would be evidence unearthed that would prove the theories they proposed. In all of the searching for the “missing link”, none have been found.
There are many tremendous resources dealing with the creation / evolution debate. Here are a few.
Josh McDowell Answers Five Tough Questions; Josh McDowell
The Genesis Flood; John C. Whitcomb, Jr. & Henry M. Morris
The Beginning of the World; Henry M. Morris
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis; Michael Denton
Genesis and the Decay of the Nations; Ken Ham
The two websites listed have a large number of DVD resources along with many other books.
#3 Many people use the harsh or strange commands given in the Old Testament to question the truth of the Bible and the character of God. How do we respond to the Jewish law which had Israel fulfill harsh punishments such as stoning those caught in adultery or strange commands like some of their eating requirements?
There is often difficulty in understanding the Old Testament. It may also be hard to understand how we should relate to Old Testament law. I believe that there are a few ideas to help us gain an understanding of our relationship to it.
We must first understand the goal of the law. Galatians 3:24 tells us that the goal of the law is to bring us to Christ. As the Jews attempted to fulfill the law, they realized that it was impossible to fulfill it perfectly. That points to the need of a Savior.
The system of sacrifices were to be a temporary picture of the ultimate and complete sacrifice that God gave when He sent His Son to die for our sins. Since we have the completion of the work of Christ on the cross, we have no further need of the temporary sacrificial system.
Many of the laws that were given to the Jews were actually found to be things that protected them in their health. There were also others given that demonstrated their unique relationship with God and a separation from the ungodly nations around them. Their strict laws and harsh punishments demonstrated the serious consequences of sin.
One of the difficult questions to answer is that of our relationship to the law. In Matthew 5:17-20 Jesus pointed out that He came to fulfill the law, not destroy it. Paul tells us that we are no longer under the law. How does this fit together?
Jesus fulfilled the law completely. As a Jew, he followed the law completely. The law had three aspects - moral, judicial, and ceremonial. He fulfilled all three. He also was the complete fulfillment of the law. Since the goal of the law was to point to Christ, He fulfilled it.
We are no longer under the law, but under grace. The Old Testament points to God’s ultimate plan of salvation. It teaches not only the serious consequences of sin, but also that our only hope is in our Savior.
When someone questions the character of God based upon harsh punishments found in the Old Testament they actually point out the incredible character of our God. The harsh punishments teach us that God is not some benevolent big brother who turns His back when we choose to disobey. He is a God of righteousness and justice. But we can also see His love, mercy, and grace through His provision of salvation and forgiveness of sins.
#4 There were some questions concerning the ministry announcements shared at the beginning of the service. Here is a short update.
Open Arms: Tina Stump shared the opportunity to help with an orphanage in Haiti. Our Open Arms ministry has been looking into the possibility of sponsoring an orphanage. In November we had Lifeline International of Kalispell share their ministry. They work with orphanages around the world and the opportunity to sponsor the orphanage in Haiti came up as an option. Lifeline International has spent time examining the orphanage, looking at the needs and the goals and biblical foundation, and has determined that it is a needy, worthy cause. The response on was tremendous. As usual, the people of Hannaford Street have stepped up to help in a need.
iFaith: This is a ministry for young adults. They have a Bible study on Sunday nights. Information about the studies can be found in the bulletin. For more information, you can contact the church office or JonLuke Thomasson, Melissa Stockton, or Deanne Kopp.
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