Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Where did the Bible come from anyway? - It's Orgin


       Opponents of the Bible often say that it was written by men and has mistakes. Therefore they argue that it cannot be trusted which frees them to construct their own belief system. This leaves them accountable to no higher authority.

        Are they correct in their assumption? Without investigation, their hypothesis sounds logical, but is it? The answer is, “No, they are wrong, and I can prove it.”

        The logical answer to “Where did the Bible come from?” has only two possible answers: God or man.  I contend that God wrote the Bible. This Sunday, February 7th, I will arm you with the facts to prove that conclusion. When you have the truth surrounding the origin of the Bible, you’ll be able to defuse the hollow arguments of those who hope to avoid accountability to God.

        It is important to know this information because of the shifting world of ideas that constantly inundates us in America, 2010. These facts will strengthen your own faith in the Bible as being a God book. It will give you confidence the next time you face that person who mocks the truth and validity of the Bible.

        Don’t miss the message this coming Sunday, February 7, 2010.

Pastor Crosby

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